Eligibility: The following requirements shall be fulfilled by every candidate to be eligible to appear for the final examination.
- i) Attendance: Every candidate shall have fulfilled the attendance prescribed by the University during each academic year of the postgraduate course.
- ii) Progress and conduct: Every candidate shall have participated in seminars, review meetings, symposia, conferences, case presentations, clinics and didactic during each year as designed by the concerned department.
- iii) Work diary and Logbook: Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and logbook for recording his/her participation in the training programmes conducted by the department. The work diary and logbook shall be verified and certified by the Head of the Department and Head of the institution. (Please see Section IV for Model Checklist and Logbook).
The certification of satisfactory progress by the head of the department and head of the institution shall be based on (i), (ii) and (iii) mentioned above. Schedule of Examination: The examination for M.D.S. courses shall be held at the end of three academic years (six academic terms). The university shall conduct two examinations in a year at an interval of four to six months between the two examinations. Not more than two examinations shall be conducted in an academic year.
University Examination
M.D.S. Degree examinations in any branch of study shall consist of dissertation, written paper (Theory), Practical/Clinical and Viva voce.
- (a) Dissertation:
Acceptance of dissertation shall be a precondition for the candidate to appear for the final examination.
- (b) Written Examination (Theory) (Total 400 marks)
Part-I: Shall consist of one paper
There shall be a theory examination in Basic Sciences at the end of first year of course. The question paper shall be set and evaluated by the concerned Department/Speciality. The candidate shall have to secure a minimum of 50% in Basic Sciences and shall have to pass the Part-I examination at least six months prior to the final (Part-II) examination.
Part-II: Shall consist of three theory papers at the end of third year
Distribution of marks:
1) Part-I University Examination (1 paper of 100marks)
There shall be 10 questions of 10 marks each (100 marks)
2) Part-II University Examination (3 papers of 100 marks each = 300 marks)
(i) Paper-I: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (100 marks)
(ii) Paper-II: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (100 marks)
(iii) Paper-III: any 2 out of 3 essay questions to be answered (2 X 50 marks = 100 marks)
All the papers of both Part-I and Part-II University examinations are of three-hour duration.
Distribution of topics in each paper is shown in Section III along with course description of the concerned speciality, and as clause 14 in this section. Topics assigned to different papers are generally evaluated under those sections. However, a strict division of the subject may not be possible and some overlapping of topics is inevitable. Students should be prepared to answer overlapping topics. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers.
- (c) Practical / Clinical Examination: 200 marks
In case of practical examination, it should be aimed at assessing competence and skills of techniques and procedures. It should also aim at testing student's ability to make relevant and valid observations, interpretation and inference of laboratory or experimental or clinical work relating to his/her subject for undertaking independent work as a specialist. The duration of Clinical and Viva-Voce examination will be 2 days for a batch of six students. If the number of candidates exceeds 6, the programe can be extended to 3rd day.
The actual format of clinical examination in various specialities are given in Section III. The total marks for practical / clinical examination shall be 200.
- (d) Viva Voce: 100 marks
Viva-Voce examination shall aim at assessing depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, confidence and oral communication skills. The total marks shall be 100 and the distribution of marks shall be as under:
(i) For examination of all components of syllabus 80 Marks
(ii) For (Pedagogy) demonstration of teaching skills 20 Marks