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Oral Pathology

“As is your pathology so is your practice “One cannot become a competent physician or surgeon without full knowledge of pathology— William Osler.

The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology at MNR Dental College started in the year 2006. Since then, it has made tremendous progress academically and also had a tremendous impact on its infrastructure facilities. It took its first step for postgraduate course in the year 2012 and was recognized by DCI in the year 2015. It abides by its motto learn, leap and lead, acting as a bridge between the basic sciences and clinical dentistry. One of the important purposes of Oral Pathology is to give the students the ability to Diagnose Oral lesions. Oral diagnosis is based on sound knowledge of Oral Pathology and is essential for good clinical practice. The Department carries out routine histopathological evaluation of specimens relating to Oral and Perioral tissues, routine diagnostic procedures including hematological, cytopathological, microbiological, immunological, ultra-structural and molecular investigations.

The Principal objective of the Department is to have knowledge on current Research Methodology, collection and interpretation of data, ability to carry out research projects to understand the new scientific concepts enlightening the sequence of biologic events leading to a disease state.

The Department plays a pivotal role in conducting interdisciplinary research projects with the available equipments like Research Microscope, Stereomicroscope, Image analysis software, and centrifuge. Several research projects including completed and ongoing are being carried out by our dedicated staff and postgraduates in collaboration with nationally reputed organizations like CCMB and IICT.


  • Biopsy
  • Cytology
  • Haematology